Fishing at Lake Gladewater, Texas
******** NOTICE ********** To combat the spread of invasive zebra mussels, boaters and anglers in some North Texas and Central Texas counties are required to drain water from boats and on-board receptacles when leaving or approaching a public water body. Check to see if Nacogdoches county is on the list. **************************** ANGLING OPPORTUNITIES The largemouth bass population at Gladewater is moderate in numbers, but diverse in size distribution. Successful spawns in recent years have resulted in an abundance of small bass that have survived and contributed to increased numbers of larger fish. This increase in recruitment has developed a more diverse bass population with more legal-size fish available to anglers. Channel catfish are moderately abundant with a large portion of the population available for harvest. This population seems to be under-utilized by anglers. Both white and black crappie are present and support a good fishery. In recent years crappie have continued to increase in abundance and legal-size fish have become more available. Bluegill and redear sunfish are present with moderately high numbers contributing to excellent fishing opportunities. Largemouth Bass Catfish Crappie Sunfish PREDOMINANT FISH SPECIES Largemouth Bass (aka Black Bass, Green Trout, Bigmouth Bass, Lineside Bass) Catfish and Bullheads Crappie> (aka White Perch, Sac-a-lait, Calico Bass) Bluegill Sunfish (aka Bream, Brim, Perch, Sunfish, Sun Perch) Redear Sunfish (aka Shellcracker, Georgia Bream, Cherry Gill, Sunny, Sun Perch) Bass Identification Guide Channel and Blue Catfish Identification Guide FISHING COVER / STRUCTURE Natural habitat is present in the form of inundated timber and aquatic vegetation. There are also numerous boat docks and fishing piers. AQUATIC VEGETATION Less than 10% of the lake's surface area is covered, mostly with native species. American lotus dominates. FISHING REGULATIONS All species are currently managed under statewide regulations: Texas Parks and Wildlife Freshwater Bag and Length Limits LAKE RECORDS STOCKING HISTORY LATEST LAKE SURVEY REPORT FISHING CONDITIONS Lake Gladewater Weather Center Lake Gladewater Fishing Forum Moon Phase Calendar SAFETY Personal Flotation Devices Rules Of The Waterway |
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